If you filed your taxes for 2018, owed money but have not paid the IRS, they announced on Monday, several payment plan options. You can either pay online through your phone or other mobile device. If you can’t pay your tax bills in full, the IRS is willing to work with you through payment plans and compromise options, like settling. Many options are available to you.

Within a few weeks, if you did file but have not yet paid the amount owed on your taxes, you will receive a letter. Usually between June and July, the IRS will send a CP14 or CP501 letting you know about any outstanding amounts due. If you do receive a letter, contact your tax return preparer.

Taxes filed this year may be eligible for fewer deductions then you thought. If you owe money due to these new laws, you may be able to apply for a waiver of applicable tax fees. You can find more details directly from the IRS by clicking here.

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